Workshop Log – Day 3
kseniia shcherbakova. day 2.Im currantly in Lviv. I moved here at 8-th of March 2022 by train from Odessa.
i dont feeel, here as in home.
when I was walking into the narrow and loud streets of lviv i thought - its not my place. Its so weird and
unfamiliar to places I used to work and be. for me its so important to feel the surrounding and play with it sides to make my artistic work. Here I still feel as a srtanger.
i don't actually understand if its because of being in this uncomfortable state of displacement, or it's
because of this cold walls of buildings and masses of people on its strets.
when i walked with my recorder i became tired.
it was something like you feel in a dream, when you try to do something, but you can't raise your hands.
when you try to open the door but the door handle is disappear.
but i want to wake up.
i understad, that i need to go through it, but I need a force. I need my closest people to be here with me, but they are in a distance. For theese monthes i became a home for myself, but i dont exist without my family and friends. My home was tooken from me.
------ Reflections on first listening session --------
A mix of people streaming from their rooms and short performances
This was exactly what we hoped for
Xseniia was streaming from Lviv (#1 on the map)
May be traveling on Sat/Sun - could stream this using locus cast app
Kseniia (#3 on the map) was streaming cassette piano loops and electronic devices as a way to test out the microphones and creating a soundscape
Viktor (#2 on the map) was streaming from his balcony - also sounds of his parquet flooring
Grant - sometimes low frequencies are made louder if the box is placed on the floor or a hard surface
Viktor - handling noise?
Grant - minimal if the box is held firmly and packed out inside the box with paper
Kseniia - Rain protection?
Grant - the boxes are very waterproof - will hold up in most weather
Mort - about the Locus Sonus map - this is usually used for environmental recordings - we may want to think
about how we present performance based work in relation to this
Sometimes we were hearing a cached loop of audio - this can be fixed by refreshing the page - though you
will lose the chat log
Listening through VLC is an alternative to avoid this
Kseniia - some recordings through VLC did not save?
Grant - record toggle menu is not always reliable - better to use a keyboard shortcut
.MP3 or .OGG?
Mort - MP3 is more accessible to more people. Ogg is better quality / open source / bigger files but less
widely used.
Grant - Difference between 320 mp3 and ogg is hard to hear for most people
---- Sound map -----
Locus Sonus Sound map -
Grant's stream from his garden in London
Listens whilst writing
Can hear changes in wildlife over the seasons
Wilding of the backyard because of the lack time for the gardening
Soundmap - - can be useful to toggle on the list of streams using the
list button on toolbar
Project by Jesse Brennan:
A live audio stream transmitted from a container roof at Stave Hill
Ecological Park in Rotherhithe is played out from time to time on an
array of speakers by the Reception at London Bridge Station.
Moving the sound from one place to another to create instability
Stream from Greensboro, North Carolina by Dustin Perdue -
Blind sound artists as a way
Creating contacts
From a cluster of mics in Japan by Cyberforest:
yamanashi - yamanakako
Used by ornithologists to identify bird activity in relation to climate and habitat changes
Lia Mazzari - hut in mountains of Northern Italy:
Imagining the future time when wolves are back
Aural observatory
Way of waiting
MORT`s session
exist in a place in a head
3-5 sec away
NOT real places
Mixing is a way to bring two places of the earth together
Less real and more real place (by mixing a few expierences)
Mezcal platform: -
--- Sharing Session 3 ---
Timings for Friday 16th Sept
Ivan: Mixing and digging - 8 hours - Friday - 10am - 6pm
Viktor: day time eg 2pm or 4pm
Kseniia: will decide for tomorrow
Kseniia S: Odessa train runs only at night (eg 8 - 11pm)
walk around the city - touristic tour - certain route
Odesa without tourists
friends are not coming (you're not showing around)
missing the summer expierence in the city
Ukrainian line in the city (describing locations)
2 idea
tram from the north to south of the city
to take a tram
flee market
10-18 - Ivan
14 or 16 Vilktor