15:00 – 18:00 BST on 20 June 2020
Live audio broadcasts as part of LCB Depot’s Digital Arts Exhibition
15:00 – CONA
- BIBALET 21012020 (34 min)
Composition created by the Slovenian bio acoustic group of artists JATA C: beepblip, OR poiesis, Boštjan Perovšek, Bojana Šaljič Podešva and Brane Zorman. Originally composed and mixed in eight channel format for exhibition at Steklenik gallery, the piece is presented here as an exclusive stereo version.
It was planned to exhibit this sound work from 18 January to 6 June, 2020. Exhibition and venue were closed due to the COVID-19 epidemic lockdown on 13 March and lasted till 2 June.
More information: http://www.steklenik.si/en/jata-c-2/
15:45 – Full of Noises
Lee Patterson
– Homework 20.06.2020: Lee Patterson v M60 (20 minutes)
As the lockdown has eased, the relative quietude and clarity that the pandemic brought with it has gone. Once again I find myself amongst an ugly scour of grey noise from the nearby M60 motorway. Once again I will add my own sounds to this industrial soundscape seven weeks after first doing so for Reveil/Soundcamp on International Dawn Chorus day.
A different time frame within the daily cycle will bring different sounds to improvise with, and to, presenting unique challenges during a suburban Saturday afternoon on the fringes of Manchester.
Julia Parks and R L Wilson - (Two Pieces)
– Eight Minutes and Forty Six Seconds
A moment's pause for reflection.
– A Tide Turning
The measurements of time and space via constellation points of human being, sun, moon, and ocean - left as markers on the sand.
Recordings of oxygen being released through sand banks between high and low tides, combine with the sounds of birds and people immersed in a tidal estuary on midsummer's day.
16:30 – Locus Sonus
Interview with Peter Sinclair and his pick of streams from across the Locus Sonus soundmap.
17:15 – Soundcamp
Sounds from the Reveil 7 archive, conversation by IRC chat with s/c artists and online audience.
18:00 – END
The Acoustic Commons is an emerging network of live environmental audio streams drawing
attention to the unique sounds of particular places across Europe and beyond. This special live broadcast on 20th June will explore and revisit the global sounds of this year’s Reveil event.
As an annual day-long relay of sounds from live open microphones globally, the Reveil broadcast
picks up audio feeds one by one, tracking the sunrise west from microphone to microphone.
Reveil 2014 was the first broadcast of its kind and subsequent editions have involved 1,000 artists
and reached 60,000 listeners via a consortium of arts and community radio stations.
The 2020 edition of Reveil took place under truly remarkable circumstances. Worldwide
soundscapes are modified, reflecting the slowdown in human activity and as a result, acoustic space has become available for sounds that we would never usually hear. Whilst travel has become virtually impossible, our daily lives have been reshaped around streamed media, bringing a new significance to the shared listening experience of Reveil.
The broadcast will feature contributions from the Acoustic Commons network including Full of Noises (Barrow, Cumbria), Locus Sonus (Aix-Marseille), CONA (Ljubljana) and Soundcamp.
Read more at: acousticommons.net
--- Log opened Sat Jun 20 00:00:22 2020
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00:00 -!- Channel #lcb_depot created Fri Jun 19 00:00:32 2020
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11:55 #lcb_depot: < web28> so..
15:33 #lcb_depot: < web64> Petesinc test
15:39 -!- web84 is now known as petesinc
15:53 -!- web26 is now known as glenn
15:54 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Hello Peter!
15:54 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> hello glenn
15:55 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> back to 1994
15:55 -!- web87 is now known as grant
15:55 #lcb_depot: < grant> salut
15:56 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> hi grant
15:56 #lcb_depot: < grant> hi Peter
15:57 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> my streams sound ok?
15:57 #lcb_depot: < grant> for sure
15:58 #lcb_depot: < grant> i look forward to radiode
15:58 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> its running now
15:58 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> or it should be
15:59 #lcb_depot: < web44> Hi All. Looking forward to this. Sounding good so far!
16:00 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Hello everyone! Welcome to today's Acoustic Commons Broadcast. Our first stream will be starting in a couple of minute.
16:00 #lcb_depot: < web44> This is Andrew from FoN btw. How do I change my chat name?
16:00 #lcb_depot: < grant> click the person icon
16:01 #lcb_depot: < grant> then edit
16:01 #lcb_depot: < web51> Hi - I'm going to pop in and out as I have another webcast until 4pm!
16:01 #lcb_depot: < web51> I am Sean from Interact Digital Arts
16:02 #lcb_depot: < grant> i think we are imagining this as an experiment
16:02 #lcb_depot: < grant> so please let me know about levels etc
16:02 #lcb_depot: < grant> i can tune them
16:02 -!- web44 is now known as andrew
16:04 #lcb_depot: < grant> these sounds are coming from an streambox in a remnant of rainforest in Queensland
16:04 #lcb_depot: < grant> an hour or two drive from Brisbane
16:04 #lcb_depot: < grant> the box is about 50m up in tree near the interpretation centre
16:05 #lcb_depot: < grant> you can see from http://locusonus.org/soundmap/ that it's pretty much the middle of the night
16:07 #lcb_depot: < web49> The level is fine, Grant.
16:13 #lcb_depot: < glenn> We're now hearing 'BIBALET 21012020' a piece by JATA C, commissioned by CONA, our project partners in Slovenia
16:14 -!- web13 is now known as taylor
16:17 #lcb_depot: < glenn> This is a piece exploring the world of insects, spiders and bugs from Jata C, a collective of artists focusing on bioacoustics
16:20 #lcb_depot: < andrew> This is really wonderful. Reminds me of some of the early experiments n Electronic Music/Synthesis. Rich and dynamic.
16:21 #lcb_depot: < taylor> Enjoying this on my new headphones, a real treat.
16:21 #lcb_depot: < andrew> I was going to mention how good it was sounding on my new headphones as well!
16:26 #lcb_depot: < glenn> As grant mentioned at the start, this is a stereo mix of an 8 channel installation made for Ljubljana's botanical gardens
16:35 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Great cattle!
16:40 #lcb_depot: < web64> froggy sounding sounds ;)
16:47 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Moving on now to a live stream from the UK...
16:48 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Sound artist Lee Patterson performing live from home, accompanying sounds from the nearby M60 motorway
16:50 #lcb_depot: < andrew> You can see Lee's bedroom-based setup he is using today in the middle picture at the top of this page. He has to dismantle his bed to make room!
16:50 #lcb_depot: < glenn> You can see Lee's setup in the gallery image above, including the resonating springs that we can hear now
16:51 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Snap!
16:51 -!- web25 is now known as taylor
16:53 #lcb_depot: < glenn> andrew :)
16:54 #lcb_depot: < glenn> If you've just joined, feel free to comment or ask questions in the irc. You can add a username by clicking the person icon on the left
16:55 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Apart from the traffic noise many of the sounds you heard are produced by disolving chalk blocks in water.
16:57 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Of, course when Lee performed this piece for us in early May - the M60 motorway was more or less silent at 10.pm. resulting in a very different performance.s
17:03 -!- web66 is now known as Sean
17:03 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Hi. I'm back
17:05 #lcb_depot: < taylor> I didn't have time to listen to this in May, very happy that there is another performance.
17:05 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Thank you Lee!
17:06 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Staying in the NW now for the next segment - two pieces from artists RL Wilson and Julia Parks from Cumbria's Ravenglass Estuary...
17:07 #lcb_depot: < andrew> This is : Eight Minutes and Forty Six SecondsA moment's pause for reflection.
17:08 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Are these actual live mics, or recording of live mics?
17:08 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Yes live mics
17:08 #lcb_depot: < andrew> It's a bit windy up on the west coast.
17:08 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Wow! Live webcams for sound.
17:09 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Exactly.
17:09 #lcb_depot: < andrew> :)
17:09 #lcb_depot: < andrew> There are open microphones dotted all around the worls.
17:09 -!- web25 is now known as taylor
17:10 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Peter from Locus Sonus will be talking a bit about the open microphones at 16:30 and different ways people can get involved
17:11 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Ok. Do people install some sort of mic and streaming software with a mobile data connection? Solar powered?
17:12 #lcb_depot: < Sean> TalktTalk at 16:30 ok
17:14 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Yes we sometimes use mobile data but it is much easier if you can piggy back on a wireless/wired router.
17:16 #lcb_depot: < andrew> A Tide TurningThe measurements of time and space via constellation points of human being, sun, moon, and ocean - left as markers on the sand.Recordings of oxygen being released through sand banks between high and low tides, combine with the sounds of birds and people immersed in a tidal estuary on midsummer's day.
17:17 #lcb_depot: < web26> is this cage 4'33''?
17:17 #lcb_depot: < andrew> lol
17:18 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Interesting.
17:18 #lcb_depot: < web33> You can get fluffy things to block out all that wind noise, Andrew...!
17:19 #lcb_depot: < web33> web33 is Colin Aldred
17:19 #lcb_depot: < andrew> This is based on recordings made on the beach near Ravenglass in Cumbria. See first picture at top of this page.
17:20 #lcb_depot: < andrew> There were fluffy things on the mics web33
17:20 #lcb_depot: < web47> Esk, Irt, Mite… more Cumbrian than Slovenian
17:22 #lcb_depot: < web47> Whose work is this?
17:22 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Julia Parks and R L Wilson
17:24 #lcb_depot: < web47> Stunning bubbles!
17:26 #lcb_depot: < andrew> This is coming live from a caravan 20feet from the beac on the Ravenglass estuary.h
17:26 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Beach!
17:29 #lcb_depot: < web47> So good!
17:30 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Next up, from Niolon, we have an interview with Peter Sinclair, sound artist, researcher and director of Locus Sonus...
17:30 #lcb_depot: < web26> are there frogs in the mix?
17:30 #lcb_depot: < web26> 🐸
17:30 #lcb_depot: < glenn> I'll be firing some questions at him over the chat window...
17:30 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> I'm here
17:31 #lcb_depot: < glenn> and in between we'll be hearing his piece 'Automatic Radiode'...
17:32 -!- web7 is now known as smirna
17:32 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 1:
17:32 -!- web26 is now known as dawn
17:33 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Hello petesinc, could you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about Locus Sonus and it's area of interest?
17:33 #lcb_depot: < andrew> yes we can hear you
17:34 #lcb_depot: < web52> hi everyone - thanks for listening - Julia & W
17:34 #lcb_depot: < web52> *RL
17:34 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Hi
17:34 #lcb_depot: < andrew> It was great Thaks.
17:34 #lcb_depot: < web33> Brilliant
17:35 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Thanks Peter
17:35 #lcb_depot: < dawn> what's the concept of the piece we can hear now?
17:35 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 2: Could you tell us about the Soundmap and how it came about?
17:36 #lcb_depot: < web49> Thank you. Could you repeat the name of the place in Aix?
17:37 #lcb_depot: < web49> Merci
17:37 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Interested to know the tech that is used to set up the microphones.
17:38 #lcb_depot: < dawn> @sean https://locusonus.org/locustream/
17:38 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Got it. Raspberry pi
17:39 #lcb_depot: < dawn> https://soundtent.org/streaming_recipes.html
17:39 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 3:
17:39 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Are there any streams that have stood out for you during lockdown?
17:40 #lcb_depot: < glenn> eg changes in the soundscape?
17:41 #lcb_depot: < dawn> Did locus sonus have a project to survey and archive some of the lockdown sounds?
17:41 #lcb_depot: < Sean> What are your suggestions for the best types of location ?
17:41 #lcb_depot: < taylor> Hi Peter do you have any active plans to encourage more streams in other geographical settings?
17:43 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 5: what are the qualities of working with real time sound both as a listener and as a practitioner?
17:45 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Have you encountered privacy concerns?
17:47 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 6: can you tell us about some of the tools available to new streamers? eg Locus Cost and streamboxes
17:47 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Locus Cast
17:47 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> https://locusonus.org/locustream/
17:48 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Thanks. I'm wondering if the he top of our building might be an interesting location. We're are in a city, but have lots of trees nearby that attract birds. I guess I would have to test it for the risk of picking up conversations.
17:49 #lcb_depot: < taylor> I used the iPhone App it was very easy to use and set up.
17:49 #lcb_depot: < taylor> My main problems were environmental, heat, rain, insects.
17:49 #lcb_depot: < dawn> Has listening to the streams over a decade changed your understanding of environments and landcapes?
17:49 #lcb_depot: < web49> That’s great info, thank you
17:50 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 7: Can you give some examples of the geographical range of the streams?
17:50 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Good question dawn
17:50 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Thanks. Chris, if you're still here we should talk. I have the computer kit needed.
17:56 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Question 8: Could you give a few examples of project that have involved artists working with the streams to create or perform new work?
18:00 #lcb_depot: < dawn> Is the calanque stream still happening?
18:02 #lcb_depot: < grant> I saw Frioul on the map i think
18:02 #lcb_depot: < grant> ah ok
18:03 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Has the interest in so-called "asmr" contributed to aran interest in open mics?
18:03 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Good question from Sean
18:04 #lcb_depot: < Sean> Aran should be "an"!
18:04 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> Erin Gee
18:05 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Final Question: Could you tell us about any plans for the rest of the Acoustic Commons Project?
18:06 #lcb_depot: < web47> Should we use locustcast 2.1b for Android?
18:08 #lcb_depot: < web47> thanks
18:08 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Thanks Peter that's great - we'll go to Radiode for a few mins now
18:08 #lcb_depot: < glenn> then hand over to Soundcamp for the final slot at 17:15
18:09 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> Thanks Glenn
18:09 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Great stuff Peter - good to hear you.
18:10 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> Thanks Grant for the mix!
18:10 #lcb_depot: < glenn> If anyone wants to ask questions about the project, streaming or anything else after the broadcast, you can drop an email to us at info@fonfestival.org
18:12 #lcb_depot: < dawn> http://streams.soundtent.org/2020/streams/utc0_faja-grande
18:13 #lcb_depot: < dawn> are you here smirna?
18:13 #lcb_depot: < smirna> hi! yes i am here
18:13 #lcb_depot: < dawn> hello
18:13 #lcb_depot: < dawn> grant said you were stranded on the island
18:13 #lcb_depot: < dawn> where are you now?
18:14 #lcb_depot: < smirna> i am still on the island! i will be only able to leave in the beginning of August
18:14 #lcb_depot: < smirna> Now I am here for 6 months in a lockdown
18:14 #lcb_depot: < dawn> did you go there for work?
18:15 #lcb_depot: < smirna> I came here originally to record sounds for my master thesis in the Linz Art Academy, concerning soundscape ecology and bioacoustics.. In the moment when I was about to return, the corona crisis started and the flights were cancelled, so I had to stay here and improvise my survival
18:16 #lcb_depot: < dawn> does your thesis have a title?
18:16 #lcb_depot: < smirna> Which I am still doing. I was so happy to take part in the project on Dawn Chorus day, brought me back a sense of connection to the rest of the planet
18:17 #lcb_depot: < grant> Hey Smirna - it's great you can join the conversation!
18:17 #lcb_depot: < grant> it was windy right? we re hearing surf..?
18:17 #lcb_depot: < dawn> why did you want to study the sounds of the azores?
18:17 -!- web2 is now known as maria
18:18 #lcb_depot: < grant> I keep trying to imagine the size of the island
18:18 #lcb_depot: < smirna> Still not final since it's my first year but I am working on collecting sounsdcapes of remote wild locations in order to build new music interfaces that have the philosophy of "rewilding", an interaction between contemporary and ancient soundscapes and interface design
18:18 #lcb_depot: < dawn> sounds very interesting, thanks
18:19 #lcb_depot: < smirna> It was very windy here.. Some days it goes up to 120 kmh
18:19 #lcb_depot: < dawn> the waves look very scary
18:19 #lcb_depot: < smirna> But my greatest challenge was definitely managing to charge my equipment (i only have solar panels), and to manage to find a cable to do the setup. I had to ask almost everyone on the island
18:20 #lcb_depot: < dawn> it's amazing that you can get reception
18:20 #lcb_depot: < dawn> i struggled the other day in Vauxhall in the middle of London
18:21 #lcb_depot: < dawn> Are there particular sounds that interest you there?
18:21 #lcb_depot: < smirna> Yes, I was very lucky with reception because it's very unstable.. And the sounds that I originally came to record here were from cagarro birds
18:22 #lcb_depot: < maria> the land is awaking against the surf, the surf is below trying to reach the dawn, quite a sisyphean task :)
18:22 #lcb_depot: < maria> Hello everyone.
18:22 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Hi Maria
18:22 #lcb_depot: < dawn> can we hear the birds now on this recording?
18:23 #lcb_depot: < smirna> They travel across the Atlantic and stop for a few months to rest and prepare for a new season on this island. Usually they make a lot of noise at night and early morning... They have one of the scariest bird sounds I've ever experienced. Unfortunately, they didn't make sounds that morning of the recording, because it was raining and they don't com
18:23 #lcb_depot: < smirna> municate when it's bad weather.
18:23 #lcb_depot: < maria> awakening - awaking - waking up
18:23 #lcb_depot: < smirna> But you can hear them on the link of my stream, there is a 30 second recording that I uploaded of them there
18:23 #lcb_depot: < dawn> ah, great thanks
18:24 #lcb_depot: < dawn> they're called the night bird?
18:24 #lcb_depot: < smirna> Yes, here the locals see it as a sign to go to sleep..
18:25 #lcb_depot: < dawn> thanks very much smirna
18:25 #lcb_depot: < dawn> by coincidence...
18:25 #lcb_depot: < dawn> cyberforest in japan were involved in a study with shearwaters
18:25 #lcb_depot: < dawn> using them as weather predictors
18:25 #lcb_depot: < dawn> somehow
18:25 #lcb_depot: < dawn> i think grant has more of a grasp of the details on that one
18:26 #lcb_depot: < dawn> something to do with measuring wind speed maybe
18:26 #lcb_depot: < maria> thanks smirna
18:26 #lcb_depot: < dawn> from islands in japan
18:26 #lcb_depot: < smirna> thank you! oh that's very interesting -- i started using them as weather predictors too, every time they wouldn't create sound there was rain later. i would love to know more because this was just my observation from living here, no "tests" involved.
18:26 #lcb_depot: < smirna> the climate, plants and weather here is exactly the same like in japan
18:27 #lcb_depot: < dawn> i wouldn't have expected that
18:27 #lcb_depot: < grant> it feels to me like this stream stays close to the everyday
18:27 #lcb_depot: < grant> barely shifted
18:28 #lcb_depot: < dawn> @ smirna i will try to dig out the shearwater details and get back to you. please also keep us updated on your work, it's really very interesting.
18:29 #lcb_depot: < grant> something about its mundane quality..
18:29 #lcb_depot: < grant> let s stay in touch on shearwaters for sure! thanks, smirna
18:30 #lcb_depot: < grant> it feels like in this stream the balance of forces is quite even
18:30 #lcb_depot: < grant> it can tip
18:30 #lcb_depot: < dawn> so this is santa cruz?
18:30 #lcb_depot: < grant> it is
18:30 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> I was suprised by the sounds of the shearwater on the island of Flores
18:30 #lcb_depot: < grant> by Anna Friz
18:31 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Lovely to hear about your work smirna - sounds really interesting.
18:31 #lcb_depot: < smirna> yes i will and for sure i will follow all the continuation of this project! i got very interested by cyberforest as a potential next location of my own research as well, so i will write to you soon for sure. thank you so much for your technical and mental support during the process :)
18:31 #lcb_depot: < dawn> maybe theres an acoustic commons shearwater project brewing
18:32 #lcb_depot: < dawn> azores, flores, japan
18:32 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Newcastle!
18:32 #lcb_depot: < dawn> always good to have the north east represented
18:32 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> I spent part of my honeymoon trying to make a pd patch to record them automaticaly
18:33 #lcb_depot: < dawn> excellent
18:33 #lcb_depot: < smirna> that would be amazing! and observing in which months they are active in different locations
18:33 #lcb_depot: < dawn> do we have any other hints as to anna's situation?
18:33 #lcb_depot: < dawn> before we go to the kelp?
18:33 #lcb_depot: < petesinc> incidently there are also shearwater on the frioule
18:34 #lcb_depot: < grant> i don't think so - only what we guess from her 'transmission ecologies' writing
18:34 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Scratch Newcastle - I was thinking of kittiwakes!
18:35 #lcb_depot: < dawn> reminded of walney goddard exchange
18:35 #lcb_depot: < grant> they're pretty bonkers - definitely on the cartilaginous end of bird song
18:35 #lcb_depot: < dawn> mallard/godwit hybrid
18:36 #lcb_depot: < grant> on this reveil there were a couple of actual ornithologists, as i remember
18:36 #lcb_depot: < grant> who would throw out IDs
18:36 #lcb_depot: < grant> normally, as you say, we make up species based on directors
18:37 #lcb_depot: < grant> we re in the kelp forest
18:37 #lcb_depot: < grant> i have a tooth ache
18:37 #lcb_depot: < dawn> did you run out of sensodyne?
18:37 #lcb_depot: < grant> so this is working well for me
18:37 #lcb_depot: < grant> this is beyond sensodyne i think
18:38 #lcb_depot: < dawn> bubbling like bob
18:38 #lcb_depot: < grant> this is a webcam in, i think, a marine reserve
18:38 #lcb_depot: < grant> we hi jacked the audio to help w the atlantic crossing
18:39 #lcb_depot: < dawn> can hear a kind of depth, maybe indirectly some kelp
18:39 #lcb_depot: < grant> let me turn it up a bit
18:40 #lcb_depot: < grant> what s that?
18:40 #lcb_depot: < maria> wonderful segment
18:40 #lcb_depot: < glenn> One of my favourites also!
18:40 #lcb_depot: < dawn> i'm comparing it to the live stream https://explore.org/livecams/currently-live/channel-islands-national-park-anacapa-ocean
18:41 #lcb_depot: < grant> how does it compare?
18:41 #lcb_depot: < dawn> visuals take over a bit
18:41 #lcb_depot: < maria> we don't want to compare. i prefer audio only
18:42 #lcb_depot: < grant> it sounds like something else is happening, higher up..
18:42 #lcb_depot: < maria> esp. as part of Reveil journey, there is no comparison hah
18:42 #lcb_depot: < dawn> yes register has changed
18:42 #lcb_depot: < dawn> it's like a pipilotti rist
18:42 #lcb_depot: < maria> :)
18:42 #lcb_depot: < dawn> also reminding me of fon at botanical gardens in the glasshouse
18:43 #lcb_depot: < grant> gonna play something else..
18:43 #lcb_depot: < dawn> with the water circulating
18:43 #lcb_depot: < glenn> dawn fountain + rain!
18:43 #lcb_depot: < dawn> ah jieon just went to bed
18:44 #lcb_depot: < dawn> but she asked me to post something about her walk
18:44 #lcb_depot: < grant> yes please
18:44 #lcb_depot: < maria> nice transition from water to land
18:44 #lcb_depot: < dawn> I felt walking(moving streamer) was effective because other streamers were fixed on a position. The point was like to start from home and dawnscape while walking towards the park but not sure if was felt by others. It demanded time for the audience to feel subtle changes in difference between street and park ambience, but maybe it was not easy for
18:44 #lcb_depot: < dawn> other DJ catches. People might have felt it too long or repetitive in foot steps. (I should've tilted up the mic position...) I made a document vid having pictures I took on that live walk with some moments of pauses, some chats, and talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrI8Ued0lYU
18:46 #lcb_depot: < andrew> I love the footsteps.
18:46 #lcb_depot: < maria> thanks for sharing dawn
18:46 #lcb_depot: < dawn> maria....why is walking and streaming something you do
18:46 #lcb_depot: < grant> this stream is so eloquent about being in an environment
18:46 #lcb_depot: < maria> it is an open process
18:47 #lcb_depot: < dawn> can you describe a little more?
18:47 #lcb_depot: < grant> i feel like environments, for me, are centrally understood through jiyeon's and gangil's work
18:47 #lcb_depot: < maria> it demands attention but also openess, a balance between anticipation and confirmation (of plans and steps)
18:47 #lcb_depot: < grant> and of others in that zone
18:48 #lcb_depot: < grant> this seems central to our concerns at s/c
18:48 #lcb_depot: < maria> this is for both the streamer and the listener
18:48 #lcb_depot: < grant> yes
18:48 #lcb_depot: < grant> a convergence of concerns
18:48 #lcb_depot: < maria> it creates interesting overalps between the in situ and the remote
18:48 #lcb_depot: < dawn> sometimes people try to avoid the sound of their own footsteps
18:48 #lcb_depot: < grant> it does
18:48 #lcb_depot: < dawn> and its a strange result
18:49 #lcb_depot: < grant> of course we know this also for ACG
18:49 #lcb_depot: < dawn> like a phantom drifting the streets
18:49 #lcb_depot: < maria> and demands a different kind of listening, a more expanded listening that invites embodiment but also moving away from it,
18:49 #lcb_depot: < grant> it is an unstable relation perhaps
18:49 #lcb_depot: < grant> but essential relation
18:49 #lcb_depot: < maria> sound as memory, texture, text
18:49 #lcb_depot: < grant> everything is transformed
18:49 #lcb_depot: < grant> by the steps
18:49 #lcb_depot: < maria> and the syncronisity of events
18:50 #lcb_depot: < maria> and listenings across audience and streamer
18:50 #lcb_depot: < grant> weird overlays
18:50 #lcb_depot: < dawn> grounded by the steps
18:50 #lcb_depot: < maria> i never try to avoid the sounds i make
18:50 #lcb_depot: < grant> we have not much time - i m going to go on again
18:52 #lcb_depot: < maria> wow that stream....
18:52 #lcb_depot: < grant> is a revelation
18:52 #lcb_depot: < dawn> another one that nearly didnt happen
18:52 #lcb_depot: < maria> its brings back memories haha
18:52 #lcb_depot: < andrew> We like to hear the sound of our own footsteps - they locate/grounds us in a number of ways. Not being able to hear them whilst walking in a busy city for example adds to our sense of alienation. le
18:53 #lcb_depot: < maria> yes thanks dawn for helping out with making this happen
18:53 #lcb_depot: < maria> after a certain point I needed to remove the headphones as it was very intense
18:53 #lcb_depot: < maria> and too close to my ears
18:53 #lcb_depot: < dawn> how the listener positions themselves in the stream is definitely different
18:54 #lcb_depot: < dawn> this one, without footsteps
18:54 #lcb_depot: < dawn> and at a crazy hour like maybe 2am
18:54 #lcb_depot: < dawn> was definitely more of a kind of dreamscape
18:55 #lcb_depot: < dawn> less going on in the ground
18:55 #lcb_depot: < dawn> more in the air
18:55 #lcb_depot: < dawn> and those insects very hypnotic
18:55 #lcb_depot: < grant> and mobile
18:55 #lcb_depot: < dawn> spatially
18:56 #lcb_depot: < dawn> yeah
18:56 #lcb_depot: < grant> a bit like in that charles hayward drum solo piece
18:56 #lcb_depot: < grant> they were moving all over the place
18:56 #lcb_depot: < grant> i had 2 old speakers on - to monitor the main feed
18:56 #lcb_depot: < dawn> but kind of cycling
18:56 #lcb_depot: < grant> i was going to try to sleep for a couple of hourse
18:56 #lcb_depot: < grant> then this came on!
18:57 #lcb_depot: < grant> yes!
18:57 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Nice to circle back to insects after starting with the CONA piece
18:57 #lcb_depot: < andrew> It is yes
18:58 #lcb_depot: < glenn> I'm going to post a few thank you's over the last few minutes...
18:58 #lcb_depot: < web49> This has been lovely. Thank you. If there’s a site for absolute beginners to learn how to put together soundscapes or set up live streams, could you put the info on one of your websites? Many thanks
18:59 #lcb_depot: < dawn> some notes here https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/28Qfo0CKo86kYp1eRqvM5
18:59 #lcb_depot: < grant> good idea - we will - thank you for listening and contributing
18:59 #lcb_depot: < maria> and here http://soundtent.org/streaming_recipes.html
19:00 #lcb_depot: < grant> thank you lcb_depot for hosting - we appreciate it
19:00 #lcb_depot: < grant> the insects have the last
19:00 #lcb_depot: < dawn> 🦗
19:00 #lcb_depot: < maria> sssssssay
19:01 #lcb_depot: < andrew> That was a really good 3 hrs - thanks to everyone who contributed and listened in.
19:01 #lcb_depot: < grant> ha
19:01 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Thanks to everyone that joined us today - keep an eye on the acousticommons.net site for more events and info
19:01 #lcb_depot: < glenn> or email us at info@fonfestival.org
19:01 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Thanks to CONA, Soundcamp, Locus Sonus and FoN for programme contributions
19:02 #lcb_depot: < glenn> To Soundcamp for the web platform
19:02 #lcb_depot: < glenn> To Grant for mixing the programme
19:02 #lcb_depot: < glenn> To Chris at LCB Deport for the invitation to take part
19:02 #lcb_depot: < glenn> To Lee, Bob and Julia for their live performances
19:03 #lcb_depot: < glenn> and to Creative Europe for supporting the Acoustic Commons project
19:03 #lcb_depot: < web63> thanks everyone! that was the best afternoons listening I've had in ages :) thanks so much for being involved :)
19:03 #lcb_depot: < web63> oh - thats me chris at LCB
19:04 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Good to meet you web63
19:04 #lcb_depot: < grant> Thanks @FON for putting the programme together
19:04 #lcb_depot: < grant> cool - thanks Chris
19:04 #lcb_depot: < andrew> Takes bow ;)
19:04 #lcb_depot: < glenn> Thanks Chris - hopefully can do something in person at a later date
19:05 #lcb_depot: < web63> absolutely- we'll defo be doing something again.
19:05 #lcb_depot: < web63> good to meet you too andrew!
Acoustic Commons is supported by the European Union’s Creative Europe programme.
Full of Noises is supported using public funding from Arts Council England
Ravenglass Estuary. Julia Parks, R L Wilson.