Listening Room

Live stream

Spree ~ Channelsea Radio Group

The final broadcast of the current series takes place between Berlin and London on the evening of Friday 29 September.

From moon rise in Berlin to low tide on the Channelsea
17:59 – 21:17 UTC+1 in London
18:59 – 22:17 UTC+2 Berlin

On the Insola floating platform, Berlin and the Madorcha spitz barge at the Surge Cooperative Mooring, Newham.

With live streams from each studio combined using the Mezcal online mixer.

Part 1: Sounds of the Spree
Part 2: Conversation with river activists and artists: Spree:publik and Surge Cooperative. Meeting place for sounds of both rivers.
Part 3: Sounds of the Channelsea.

Archipel Stations
Blanc Sceol (Stephen Shiell, Hannah White)
Al Cree, Ruth Keating (Madorcha/Surge)
Radio Otherwise
Surge Cooperative

In partnership with Wave Farm in Acra, New York
Mezcal online mixer by August Black

Spree ~ Channelsea Radio Group is supported by Cultural Bridge. Thank you!